Sara's House
Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM (PDT)
Oak Park, MI

Event Details
Sara's House Community Baby Shower and Health & Wellness Fair is for Homeless Pregnant Women and Pregnant Teens.  This event is also opened to pregnant women that are on DHS and WIC (must have a referral). There will be fun, games and gifts for our pregnant mothers and a lot of surprises!!

This year serving as Honorary Chairperson will be On-Air Host/News & Community Affairs Director, Tracey McCaskill of MIX 92.3 & WJLB FM 98.

All registered invitees are free.  There is an additional fee for extra guest. 
Vendor tables are also available for a small fee of $15.00 (we have limited space, so secure your place early)

Click this link for more details Sara's House Community Baby Shower and Health & Wellness Fair

Source: Handbags of Hope
PinayMIcraft is an online store of different handcrafted beautiful crafts. Visit the store  to see how recycled materials become a perfect accent to your house and unique gift for yourself and love ones.


Please join us for our
FREE Community Suppers
During these difficult economic times, everyone is invited to come and enjoy a home cooked meal FREE of charge!
Please feel free to come as a party of one or two or bring your family and friends.
Serving Dinner fron 5:00PM to 7:00PM
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
St. Ronald Catholic Church
17707 Fifteen Mile Rd
Clinton twp between Garfield & Kelly Rd
Cross Lutheran Church
35851 Utica rd
Clinton twp corner of Utica & Moravian Rd
Worship Joyfully, Act Compassionately, Love Deeply, Know Personally..in life, faith and ministry together.
Source: Compassion Pregnancy
Thank you Tyndale Blog Network for sending me a free copy of Grandma and Me: Rhyming Devotions for You and Your Grandchild book. My children love this book. I always read this every night when they go to bed. My little girl showed this to her grandma one time and they have a wonderful time together. It’s very educational to children. It’s good for home and school. I highly recommend this to all mother and teacher. You can get a copy at Amazon for affordable price. It has a 5 stars customer reviews. The author, Crystal Bowman, wrote almost 60 books for kids. You can go to her website and select more books.
I was happy when I received this free book from Tyndale House Publishers. I like to make review of their book because they have variety of love story books. One of it is the Tangled Ashes by Michele Phoenix. The story was so good that makes hard for me to put it down. When I started reading, I was so impressed how the author give justice to the characters. She's very talented. I really want to finish it right away. It's so funny because I don’t want anyone to disturb me. It's really a good reading material about mystery and romance. I even took this at my work and school so I can continue reading the story. The book has 384 pages with 4 average customer review stars from Amazon. If you want to get a copy just visit Amazon.com. It will cost you $10.39 to $12.99 depends on shipping location.

Marine Toys For Tots Foundation - Toys for kids
Adopt A Family - A family christmas program are available Sept 10th to Nov. 9th
Coats of Kids - Winter coats for adults and kids
American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes - deadline for sending cards Dec. 7th
Thanksgiving & Christmas Holiday Assistance  - Holiday assistance in MI
Sterling Heights Holiday Assistance Program  - for residents only, Oct 24 deadline for signing up
Homeless Services - Homeless person/s only living at Macomb county area
Connecting Citizens with Caring Resources:

Come and meet with organizations that can assist with
Homeless Prevention
Utility Arreatages
Mortgage Foreclosures
Emergency Shelter
Housing Programs
Youth and Student Services
Legal Services - Workshop Renters Rights
Adult Flu, Pneumonia, TDAP Shots
Children's vision screening and immunizations
Mock Job Interviews
Workshop for State of Michigan Employment
School Supplies
Winter Hats/Gloves

October 16, 2012
2 - 6PM
Macomb Intermediate School District Building (MISD), South Entrance
44001 Garfield Rd., Clinton twp. (South of Hall Rd.)

Free Immunizations, haircuts, face painting, Raffles, Prizes and Much More!!!

Email: familyconnection@macombhomelesscoalition.com
Fax: 586.285.0404
Phone: 586.285.0400

For more information, to volunteer, or to donate goods, visit Macombhomelesscoalition.