Two more months from now, it’s going to be spring season. It’s time for me to plant vegetables and enjoy watching the flowers that will blossom all over again. Then, summer season will come next and we will definitely visit a park or beach. During these seasons, I love to wear hat. It helps me protect my head from the heat. Aside from that I like to match it to my outfit so I look pretty cool. It’s fun though! Usually, I buy my little one a different style of hat so she’s groovy all the time. Anyway, I have a good friend who sews and sells fabulous hats. Actually, it’s her business while at home. She is very talented in sewing. She made a pretty bandana hat that fits for everyone. She even makes hats for construction and production workers. It’s awesome! You can visit and check her site to see the details at
Instructions This is a prayer tag and link for the Philippines and the Filipinos. You are enjoined to utter this prayer for nine (9) consecutive days and to tag as many bloggers as you can with preference for Filipinos. But only bonafide Filipinos shall be included in the official registry of Filipino bloggers in this blog. Each time a new blogger makes a link, be sure to send me an email of the entire link through so that the official list will be consolidated in a master list in this blog. For our Muslim brothers, you may make your own special prayer formula but you must never deviate from the formula of this entire post.
Prayer Dear heavenly Father, we consecrate to you our beloved country- the Philippines and all the Filipinos around the world. We acknowledge Father that apart from You, we can do nothing and it is only your divine providence and grace that can unite all Filipinos as one nation. We therefore humble ourselves before your throne. We confess all our sins to you individually and collectively as a nation. Forgive us our sins Father and wash us clean by the precious blood of Your beloved Son- Jesus Christ. Mend our wicked ways and let us experience a strong and genuine spiritual revival for ourselves and for our country. Let the Holy Spirit imbibe us with power, love and wisdom to return to Your path of holiness and righteousness. Bless our country, heavenly father. Bless all Filipinos wherever they maybe. Let progress, unity, harmony, stability, justice, peace and prosperity reign in our country.Bless our leaders, from the President down to the lowest Barangay official. Touch their hearts that they may serve our country with all honesty and with love and integrity. Bless our children and our future generation. And bless us all Father in all aspects of our lives. This we pray to You heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
Anyway, I got this tag from a good friend of mine VhingF and Rechie. Thank you so much my dear friends!
I'm passing this to Ruthi, Amazing Grace, Gracedraper, Dhemz, Chel, Madz .....and to all Filipino blogger. Grab this anytime kabayan!
A - Attached or Single? - Happily Married B - Best Friend? - my family C - Cake or pie? - Cake D - Day of choice? - Weekends E - Essential item? - computer F - Favorite Color? - Red, Pink, Brown G - Gummy Bears or Worms? - Gummy Bears H - Hometown? - Samar & Paranaque I - Indulgence? - Still thinking J - June or July? - July, my brother's bday K - Kids?- Oh yeah L - Life is not complete w/o - God and My Family M - Marriage date? - Month of October, 2007 N - Number of magazine subscriptions - None O - Orange or apple? - Both P - Phobias? - None Q - Quotes? - No Pain, No Gain R - Reason to smile? - I am blessed S - Season of choice? - Spring and Summer T - Tag people - VhingF, Nadia, Dhemz, Madz, Amazing Grace, Gracedraper, Muymuy, Iril, Chel, Ruthi, and YOU! U - Unknown fact about me - secret V - Vegetable? - lettuce, carrot, cauliflower W - Worst habit? - eating X - Xray or ultrasound? - both Y - Your favorite foods? - salty, sweet and sour foods Z - Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Two months from now, it will be my husband birthday again. Time really goes by quickly. I remembered I was busy preparing the food, cooking, buying a cake, and decorating our kitchen with balloons. My daughter and I sang the birthday song with party hats on our heads. My husband was surprised when he arrived home from work. I even took photos to remember the excitement. Now, it’s almost here and we are going to celebrate it again. My little one will be so excited to blow out the candles with her dad. It’s obviously her favorite part during the party. So, I thought of browsing the net, to look for some interesting and unique ideas. Perhaps I could find some tips and advice on how to prepare a party. Fortunately, I found what I was looking for at It was amazing; everything was there from party ideas, party plans, invitations, recipes, foods, drinks, activities, decorations and more. Through this site, I decided what to do for my husband’s upcoming birthday party. He will be very surprised again this year. Everything on this site works well with my budget. You know what, if you have a love one who’s celebrating a birthday party or any occasions. This site is the best source for ideas and information. For more details click this link 1st birthday party .
I watched the 44th Presidential Inauguration this morning. I just want to congratulate the following, Mr. President Barack Obama for his awesome speech, the American people who believe and dream of hope and freedom in this country. This will be an unforgettable history; I am glad that my entire family is part of it. This is a wonderful experience for me.
Here’s the complete event from AOL news and The Associated Press.
Obama Takes Reins as Nation's President
WASHINGTON (Jan. 20) - Stepping into history, Barack Hussein Obama grasped the reins of power as America's first black president on Tuesday, saying the nation must choose "hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord" to overcome the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
In frigid temperatures, an exuberant crowd of more than a million packed the National Mall and parade route to celebrate Obama's inauguration in a high-noon ceremony. They filled the National Mall, stretching from the inaugural platform at the U.S. Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial in the distance.
With 11 million Americans out of work and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market's tumble, Obama emphasized that his biggest challenge is to repair the tattered economy left behind by outgoing President George W. Bush.
"Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely passed," Obama said in an undisguised shot at Bush administration policies. "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America."
The dawn of the new Democratic era — with Obama allies in charge of both houses of Congress — ends eight years of Republican control of the White House by Bush, who leaves Washington as one of the nation's most unpopular and divisive presidents, the architect of two unfinished wars and the man in charge at a time of economic calamity that swept away many Americans' jobs, savings and homes.
Obama's election was cheered around the world as a sign that America will be more embracing, more open to change. "To the Muslim world," Obama said, "we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
Still, he bluntly warned, "To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy."
"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
Two years after beginning his improbable quest as a little-known, first-term Illinois senator with a foreign-sounding name, Obama moved into the Oval Office as the nation's fourth youngest president, at 47, and the first African-American, a barrier-breaking achievement believed impossible by generations of minorities.
He said it was a moment to recall "that all are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness."
Obama called for a political truce in Washington to end "the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics."
He said that all Americans have roles in rebuilding the nation by renewing the traditions of hard work, honesty and fair play, tolerance, loyalty and patriotism.
"What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility, a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task."
With the economy in a long and deepening recession, Obama said it was time for swift and bold action to create new jobs and lay a foundation for growth. Congressional Democrats have readied an $825 billion stimulus plan of tax cuts and spending for roads, bridges, schools, electric grids and other projects.
"The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works," the new president said.
A mighty chorus of cheers erupted as Obama stepped to the inaugural platform, a midday sun warming the crowd that had waited for hours in the cold. There were some boos when Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney came onto the platform.
In his remarks, Obama took stock of the nation's sobering problems.
"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood," he said.
"Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age," Obama said. "Homes have been lost, jobs shed, businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly, our schools fail too many, and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."
It was the first change of administrations since the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Crowds filled the Mall for a distant glimpse of the proceedings or just, in the words of many, simply "to be here." Washington's subway system was jammed and two downtown stations were closed when a woman was struck by a subway train.
Bush — following tradition — left a note for Obama in the top drawer of his desk in the Oval Office.
White House press secretary Dana Perino said the theme of the message — which Bush wrote on Monday — was similar to what he has said since election night: that Obama is about to begin a "fabulous new chapter" in the United States, and that he wishes him well.
The unfinished business of the Bush administration thrusts an enormous burden onto the new administration, though polls show Americans are confident Obama is on track to succeed. He has cautioned that improvements will take time and that things will get worse before they get better.
Culminating four days of celebration, the nation's 56th inauguration day began for Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden with a traditional morning worship service at St. John's Episcopal Church, across Lafayette Park from the White House. Bells pealed from the historic church's tower as Obama and his wife, Michelle, arrived five minutes behind schedule.
The festivities won't end until well after midnight, with dancing and partying at 10 inaugural balls.
By custom, Obama and his wife, and Biden and his wife, Jill, went directly from church to the White House for coffee with Bush and his wife, Laura. Michelle Obama brought a gift for the outgoing first lady in a white box decorated with a red ribbon.
Shortly before 11 a.m., Obama and Bush climbed into a heavily armored Cadillac limousine to share a ride to the Capitol for the transfer of power, an event flashed around the world in television and radio broadcasts, podcasts and Internet streaming. On Monday, Vice President Dick Cheney pulled a muscle in his back, leaving him in a wheelchair for the inauguration.
Just after noon, Obama stepped forward on the West Front of the Capitol to lay his left hand on the same Bible that President Abraham Lincoln used at his first inauguration in 1861. The 35-word oath of office, administered by Chief Justice John Roberts, has been uttered by every president since George Washington. Obama was one of 22 Democratic senators to vote against Roberts' confirmation to the Supreme Court in 2005.
The son of a white, Kansas-born mother and a black, Kenya-born father, Obama decided to use his full name in the swearing-in ceremony.
To the dismay of liberals, Obama invited conservative evangelical pastor Rick Warren — an opponent of gay rights — to give the inaugural invocation.
About a dozen members of Obama's Cabinet and top appointees were ready for Senate confirmation Tuesday, provided no objections were raised. But Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas indicated he would block a move to immediately confirm Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Still, she is expected to be approved in a roll call vote Wednesday.
More than 10,000 people from all 50 states — including bands and military units — were assembled to follow Obama and Biden from the Capitol on the 1.5-mile inaugural parade route on Pennsylvania Avenue, concluding at a bulletproof reviewing stand in front of the White House. Security was unprecedented. Most bridges into Washington and about 3.5 square miles of downtown were closed.
Among the VIPs at the Capitol was pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, the hero of last week's US Airways crash into the Hudson River.
Obama's inauguration represents a time of renewal and optimism for a nation gripped by fear and anxiety. Stark numbers tell the story of an economic debacle unrivaled since the 1930s:
—Eleven million people have lost their jobs, pushing the unemployment rate to 7.2 percent, a 16-year high.
—One in 10 U.S. homeowners is delinquent on mortgage payments or in arrears.
—The Dow Jones industrial average fell by 33.8 percent in 2008, the worst decline since 1931, and stocks lost $10 trillion in value between October 2007 and November 2008.
Obama and congressional Democrats are working on an $825 billion economic recovery bill that would provide an enormous infusion of public spending and tax cuts. Obama also will have at his disposal the remaining $350 billion in the federal financial bailout fund. His goal is to save or create 3 million jobs and put banks back in the job of lending to customers.
In an appeal for bipartisanship, Obama honored defeated Republican presidential rival John McCain at a dinner Monday night. "There are few Americans who understand this need for common purpose and common effort better than John McCain," Obama said.
Young and untested, Obama is a man of enormous confidence and electrifying oratorical skills. Hopes for Obama are extremely high, suggesting that Americans are willing to give him a long honeymoon to strengthen the economy and lift the financial gloom.
On Wednesday, his first working day in office, Obama is expected to redeem his campaign promise to begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq under a 16-month timetable. Aides said he would summon the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Oval Office and order that the pullout commence.
Associated Press Writers Alan Fram, Donna Cassata, Gillian Gaynair, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Kevin Freking, Ed Tobias, Ben Evans, Seth Borenstein and H. Josef Hebert contributed to this report.
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It’s been one year now since my brother passed away. He had a disease called schizophrenia. It’s an addiction for constantly using illegal drugs like marijuana and cocaine. Until now, it still crosses my mind how he suffered so badly. He fought with his hallucinations and struggled so hard to survive and live. Unfortunately, he didn’t receive good medical attention. The government in my homeland has a huge amount of psychotic patient’s everyday. The public hospitals nationwide are crowded and they release patients less than a week without proper medical attention. The private institutions were very expensive for an average person who has a disease like this. Additionally, the medicine and other prescription drugs are unaffordable to an average patient. The fact that we belong to a poor family, my brother was unlucky to survive. He left us and died with his sickness. We were all devastated about it. It was a very painful tragedy in our family.
If you have a same situation like mine, and you’re hoping that there’s somebody out there who can help you. The Promise Treatment Centers is the solution for your problem. You can lean on them and they will give you the best treatment that you’re looking for. They treat addiction to a variety of drugs and substances like alcohol, cocaine, codeine, heroin, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Oxycodone, and many others. They have a website for you to get all the full details of their program. Just visit this link cocaine addiction for more information.
I am selling my little one's pre-owned tops and casual dresses for an affordable price on ebay. She's getting bigger and her clothes doesn't fit to her anymore. You can visit and bid direct. Search for Girl dress 3T-4T or Toddler dress 3T-4T. These clothes are very comfortable to wear. It was gently used and still in very good condition. If you have inquiry, you can leave messages here.Thank you!
I just want to share this inspiring story about quitting in the middle of trials or any circumstances that test our faith in God. This story will help us in our life's decision making whether the situation turned good or not. So, I want to share this to my friends Vhing, Nadia, Gracedraper, Amazing Grace, Dhemz, Mhadz, Rechie, Chel, Iril, Ruthi, Muymuy and YOU! Grab this anytime! Have a wonderful day!
One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
'God', I asked, 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit?'
His answer surprised me...
'Look around', He said. 'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'
'Yes', I replied.
'When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did no! t quit on the bamboo. He said.
'In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit.
In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.
I would not quit.' He said.
'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.'
He asked me. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time you havebeen struggling, you have actually been growing roots'.
'I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you.'
'Don't compare yourself to others.' He said.
'The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful.'
'Your time will come', God said to me.
'You will rise high'
'How high should I rise?' I asked.
'How high will the bamboo rise?' He asked in return.
'As high as it can?' I questioned.
'Yes.' He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can.'
I left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
Never, Never, Never Give up.
For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is,
tell the problem how Great the Lord is!
-posted by Tekla of Filipinos Ma-L Around The World Your Rendezvous, Friendster Group
Becoming a full time wife and mother is a wonderful experience for me. I am able to monitor my family and do the daily household chores. I even manage my time whenever I want to go somewhere or visit my friends. In spite of that, I have a serious problem that is hard for me to solve. I think everyday I have gained weight and become bigger and bigger. I kept eating too many carbohydrates and other fatty foods. Sometimes I feel hungry even though I just ate a while ago. My tummy bothers me a lot. I do some indoor exercises once in a while like dancing and aerobics in our basement. I have even tried to have a diet but I can’t maintain it. This becomes very difficult for me to handle. I am good in my other task but this one I am very weak and hopeless. So, I thought of consulting a doctor to see how they can solve my problem. They think I am overweight which is not normal at my age though. I am a petite lady with 145 lbs. I have baby fat on my hips, thigh and belly. They offered me the fastest and easiest way to maintain my body with liposuction. I have heard of this stuff so many times; I know it will bring a good result. Some average women have tried this to keep their figure well. To be honest, they look very good. It's amazing that medical technology now a days can help women to maintain their body beautiful. I should have determination, patience and discipline if I’m going to try this. This will be a serious cosmetic surgery though it will solve my problem and gain my confidence. Anyway, my Doctor let me study and research full details online. So, If I am ready they can start the procedures as soon as possible. I found one check this link plastic surgery . In this site, the MYA cosmetic surgery has a complete details of instructions, procedures, and even the real images of a women who had surgery. They look awesome and I can tell the big difference of their looks before and after. I probably take this one because they offer affordable surgery than other.
Last week my family experienced a very serious and delicate situation. But it's over now and I am very THANKFUL that God answered my prayer. Once again, he helped and comfort me. So, I want to inspire you if you have trials now in your life. I want to share this to Vhing, Madz, Rechie, Nadia, Dhemz, Gracedraper, Amazing Grace, Muymuy, Claire, Yanuar, Iril, Chel, Xeina and You! Grab this poem anytime.
I am thankful for everything I have experienced In this life of mine For in all I have found That in His Word-the answers I find
I am thankful for all the tears I have cried For they have taught me to appreciate laughter They have given me the ability to see the The joy that comes after
Through my tears I have come to know His Holy Spirit in my life How He is always there And comforts through the strife
I am thankful for the storms I have encountered Knowing that the rainbow is at the end Realization that they are only temporal That with time all will mend
I have learned that I don’t need to be strong For God supplies the strength for me He shoulders my burdens Regardless of what the circumstance may be
I am thankful for all the relationships For the good and yes, for the bad For they have given life to my emotions An appreciation of what I have had
My most valuable relationship Is that with God, my Father I know that I can trust Him As I can trust no other
I am thankful for the pain I have known It has given a compassion for the suffering An ability to reach out to others An appreciation of little things
I understand the greatness of God's love And the pain He has suffered for me How He endured all things So that I could be set free
I am thankful for the hunger and thirst That I have had to go through I appreciate having food before me And sharing it with others too
He has given himself as my food and drink To make sure that I was fed His Blood shed for my drink And His Body broken for my bread
Most of all, I am thankful for His Grace For the provisions that it brings How it has provided for Me in all things
My little one loves Cinderella, she is addicted to any Cinderella stuff. She likes to watch the Cinderella cartoon movie, she will watch it three or more times a day. When we go shopping, I let her pick what stuff she wants to buy and she only asked for her favorite princess, Cinderella. Overall, she has Cinderella T-shirts, Dress, boots, shoes, bags, dolls, stickers, notebooks, make up kit and other Cinderella things.
So, I am thinking of renovating her room. Cinderella will be the best theme for it. I wanted it to be a fairytale room with a lot of fantasy decoration. I thought of buying a bed that have a connection to Cinderella. Anyway, I searched online and looked for children’s bed. There are many websites that offer a variety of beds, but I found one that totally matches to my theme. The design of it will add more fantasy to the room that will look fabulous. It’s a Horse and Carriage bed, 3’0 single version of this bed comes complete with a standard free Solo mattress which features a quilted open coil sprung mattress finished in a hard wearing stitch-bond cover. It is very soft and comfortable to sleep. It’s perfect and beautiful. Actually, the site has a wide variety of beds, check this link beds uk. It has different design and all of it are in good quality that you’ll going to like. My daughter spends most of her time in her room. She likes to play and acts like a real Princess. She even asked me to wear her Princess dress all the time. As parent, the happiness of my daughter is overwhelming and priceless.
These are the classic party music way back year 1990's to downward. My good friend of mine from Friendster group namely "Ross" helped me out to search this kind of music. I badly needed this before because I was organizing a party. Now, I decided to post it here for those who's searching this type of music. If you are a party organizer or just a classic music lover you can copy this anytime. I just want to give back the help that I received before. So, there you go hope you like it. People of the earth, common let's shake our booties! :-)
Ring My Bell - Anita Ward
The Sign - Ace Of Base
Mony Mony - Billy Idol
El Bimbo - Bimbo Jet
Hot Hot Hot - Buster Poindexter
Gonna Make You Sweat, Do You Wanna Get Funky - C & C Music Factory
Le Freak - Chic
Machine Gun - Commodores
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
Todo Todo Todo - Daniela Romo
High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Grease - Frankie Valli
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
Lambada - Gypsy Kings
What Is Love - Haddaway
Bakiri Ban - Havana Funk
What A Feeling - Irene Cara
Looking For A New Love - Jody Watley
Boggie Shoes, Shake Your Booty, That's The Way I Liked It - KC & The Sunshine Band
Celebration - Kool & The Gang
Asereje - Las Ketchup
Self Control - Laura Branigan
Funkytown - Lipps Inc
Macarena - Los Del Rio
Go To Give Up - Marvin Gaye
Billy Jean - Michael Jackson
Coco Jamboo - Mr. President
Maneater, Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado
Where Do You Go - No Mercy
Physical - Olivia Newton
Born To Be Alive - Patrick Hernandez
Lady Marmalade - Patti Labelle, C. Aguilera
Shake Your Groove Thing - Peaches & Herbs
Get The Party Started - Pink
I'm So Excited, Automatic, Jump - Pointer Sister
Never Gonna Give You Up, Together Forever - Rick Asley
Disco Dunk - Rick Dees
I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred
Addicted To Love - Robert Palmer
Talking In Your Sleep - Romantics
Let's Talk About Sex, Push It, Shoop, Supersonic - Salt N Pepa
Oh Carolina, Boombastic - Shaggy
Let The Music Play - Shannon
Strut - Sheena Easton
The Power - Snap
Back To Life - Soul II Soul
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Get Up, Pump Up The Jam, Move This - Technotronic
Disco Inferno - Trammps
The Hustle - Van McCoy
Ice Ice baby - Vanilla Ice
YMCA - Village People
Everybody Have Fun Tonight - Wang Chung
Chicken Dance, The Hokey Pokey, Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
My family was planning to take a vacation in my homeland, but it’s still tentative because we still have some other matters to consider.I am thinking what would be a good gift for my handsome father and brother. I knew both of them would love some kind of manly thing. They live in a quiet province of Samar, Philippines. They farm rice and corn, hunt animals, fishing, rooster breeding and cockfighting, carpentry and even manage to drive our passenger jeepneys. They are very busy and productive men. That’s why every time my hubby and I dropped by in a hardware store. I kept looking for the best gifts for them. Then, I kept searching online perhaps I can find something they will like. I am lucky enough; I saw the SureFire 6P Flashlight that my father could use at night. It’s a good Self-Defense tool, as it will temporarily stun an attacker by directing the beam into the eyes.Then, I found something for my brother, the 5.11 Tactical Sleet 6"" Insulated and Waterproof Boot. This waterproof and breathable boot comes with an antibacterial and moisture-wicking lining which will keep your feet comfortable and dry. I know they both will like it. These gifts are used mostly for the Policeman, Security, Military but anyone can purchase it. Some of the items are Military grade. If you would like to research it yourself you can follow this linkGalco
Before the New Year came, the weather was so bad. There was a heavy snow and a strong wind that made our district, Macomb County, very dark; we were out of power. My husband woke up around 6:00 o’clock in the morning, when he noticed it. He looked at the clock, and then suddenly it was off. He got up, went to the living room and checked what’s going on. Then, he found out that we didn’t have power because the heater and the lights were off too. Fortunately, we have a supply of Caterpillar Candles that we bought online at They were scented and pure soy candles. The fragrance was nice in our house. You can use them for any special occasion and send them as a gift to your love ones. If you’re a candle lover, this will be a good deal for you. You can buy cheaper candles at a wholesale price. Visit this link
Anyway, my husband got all the candles in our stock room and put them all over the house. The power came back on after 15 hours. We were thankful we purchased Caterpillar Candles that gave us a temporary light and left a fragrance and added more heat to our house. For further information please click this link .
My family watched the New Year’s celebration in Times Square, New York City on the television. That’s how we spent our New Year’s Eve. We cannot travel anywhere because the weather here in Michigan was below 20 degrees with some heavy snow. While watching the show, the Hollywood singer Taylor Swift caught my attention. She was singing at that moment and I found her beautiful. I liked her song and I wanted to know it. I searched for her on the internet and looked for the songs that she sang. I wanted to know the lyrics of the song. I was glad that I found it and got what I needed. Aside from the lyrics, the site have videos of those certain songs from You Tube. It was awesome because I got it all from one site. I will definitely use this more often. By the way, the site has a variety of movies and games too. I checked the Sci Fi movies; I liked the Stargate movie so much. You can watch the trailer there and read a summary of the story. You can check the ratings in this link movies . You will also see there theMovie Reviews .
Anyway, my hubby and I drank a little wine and beer with some midnight snacks to celebrate the New Years. My little one had her chocolate milk. We were patiently waiting for the count down. When it came, we greeted, hugged and kissed each other. It’s another year for all of us. I hope that this year of 2009 we will be spiritually, financially and physically blessed. Anyway, to view movie trailers follow this link. Action Movie Reviews
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