I found out that joining in a contest is another way to earn money. It's good on my part that I'm doing some blog hopping. Through it, I've learned how to customize my profile and at the same time I can earn from it. So as I continue visiting other blogs, I've noticed one with the title "Jenny Talks." It really caught my attention because that title was similar to the TV commercial weight loss products. It was well known and used by some Hollywood celebrity. I checked the blogs and read all the posted thread. It was surprising because the author was a filipina. She's very clever, I like her blog. It was interesting we both had the same life about our journey. Her blog definitely a good source of information about living and visiting outside your homeland. The good thing was, it's her birthday. She invited me over to join in her blog birthday contest to win some fabulous prizes. I am telling you, I love to join, knowing this is fun and exciting. So, I am inviting you all in your spare time to visit her site and join her birthday contest. You can visit her at http://jennytalks.com/
$20 from Jenny Talks
$10 from Nita's Random Thoughts
$5 from When Mom Talks
500 EC Credits from A Life in Bloom
500 EC Credits from Simply Me
500 EC Credits from Nita's Corner
500 EC Credits from Great Finds and Deals
500 EC Credits from Batuananons
125x125 ad spot from Thomas Web Links
125x125 ad spot from Simply Jen
$10 from My Fruitful Voyage
$5 from Moments of my Life
$5 and 500 EC Credits from Kitchen Deelite
500 EC Credits from Way of Life in OZ
500 EC Credits from Because Life is a Blessing
500 EC Credits from Fab & Chic Finds
500 EC Credits from Filipino Online Community
500 EC Credits from Computer Technology Gadgets
125x125 banner ad display from My Precious Niche
125x125 banner ad display from Food on the Table
$5 from Fab Finds, etc.500 EC Credits from Around HongKong
500 EC Credits from Whats Up!
500 EC Credits from Digiscraptology
700 EC Credits from My Cross Roads
500 EC Credits from Healthy Living and Lifestyle
125x125 ad spot from Thomas Travel Tales
$5 and 500 EC credits from A Mother's Horizon
1,000 EC Credits from Nierva Dot Com
500 EC Credits from This and That
500 EC Credits from Scraps & Shots
500 EC Credits from Rumination
125x125 ad spot from Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts
125x125 ad spot from Tech Stuff Plus
You can click this for full details.