Camilla Fox is alive, having been rescued from a near fatal snowstorm after leaving her home to escape the Mormon faith she no longer calls her own. Now, as she regains her strength under the personal care of United States Army Colonel Charles Brandon, thoughts of the two children she left behind floor her mind, threatening to break her heart.
Camilla is desperate to reunite with her daughters and does not want them to grow up under Mormon teachings, but she cannot provide a home for them on her own, and she will not share her husband with a sister wife. As spring arrives, Camilla returns to Salt Lake City ready to fight...and she won't back down until she's brought her children safely to the other side.
What is the essence of being a woman? What is the importance of a woman in your life? How can you make your wife happy? Now a days, marriage doesn't last long. In this generation, the couple got married yesterday, then after a month they're divorce. Isn't that shocking to you? Well,it's so hard to find the perfect match in life. This book is another story of couple who disagree in many things. The biggest problems they encountered are the religion, betrayal and lack of happiness. Find out how Camilla Fox, as a woman, wife and mother manage and struggle in her trials in life.
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