Robin Marvel is the famous author of this wonderful book for women. I got this for free direct from her publisher located in Michigan. She emailed me how this book helped women fight the never ending stress, depression, boredom and trials in life. I strongly recommend this book to women in all ages because this will help boost your confidence, strength and goals. Through this book you will learn how to relax your mind, body and gain peace of mind. You can get a copy at Barnes and Noble.

Be a woman of strength. Know you are an amazing, all creating individual. This guide will strengthen and encourage you to discover your inner core and create an empowered zest for life.
The exercises and crafts in this hands-on guide have been designated to Awaken your Conciousness on your path of self-awareness.
You are on your way to ultimate love, tranquility and strength for your mind, body and soul.
Grab your power, expand your awareness and never look back. Honor yourself by being true to who you are and sharing all that you are with the world.
Readers of this book will learn how to....
*Chakracize your spirit
*Build your self confidence
*Raise your vibrational frequency with ease
*Do meditations to create your life
*Discover your wisdom within
*Care for your aura
*Unlock your dreams
"I received this book for free from Loving Healing Press."