There are a number of good things about changing career or job. You are finally free from the stressful situation whether it’s about your boss or the job itself. But there are benefits that sometimes we could lose from this transition. One of that is the employer-sponsored healthcare insurance. The group insurance tied up to employer is partly subsidized that’s why we don’t feel the cost considering it’s a complete coverage—medical, dental, vision. And most of the medical plan has maternity coverage. Some companies have group coverage for short term & long term disability insurance.

When my husband and I were both in job transition, shopping for individual plan wasn’t that easy. It took us a while to find the best discount medical insurance policies available. There are best health insurance quotes available on the internet with lower health premiums to choose from. The fact that we want to keep our doctor aligned within that network of insurance makes it harder to look at the beginning. And there are few things to consider too. First, is the plan type--will it be PPO, EPO, HMO, or the tax-deductible Health Savings Account? From our experience, the PPO type will give us more flexibility to access our healthcare needs. We can go to any doctor within or outside of the carrier’s network without any referral. Then, there is the deductible, co-pay, and out-of-pocket expenses. In a PPO plan, the higher the deductible, the higher the premium. And maternity coverage even raises it to the roof. There are plans with co-pay that you’ll be responsible for on the first 3 visits, then the rest are free and vice versa (first three visits are free and you’ll pay for the rest). Gladly, we found an affordable plan that gives us a lower threshold amount on deductible before the plan kicks in, which is good considering it is an individual plan.

The internet is an informative hub to browse all the healthcare needs —the medical plan type, coverage, price, and different insurance-- short term and long term, from the basic to the most comprehensive plan for everyone. But one needs to exercise caution sending out information even if it’s just a quote. Make sure that the site you are on is legitimate and secure. You will be giving out your SSN and other relevant information about you and your family.

One cliché I remember about health is “Prevention is better than cure!”. And every health provider and insurance carrier is encouraging individuals to in sync their lifestyle to promote a better health. It is in fact our responsibility as a healthcare consumer.