You want more CONTEST? There you go! This is your chance to win a $10 cash or Php500.00 Gift Certificate(s) at http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/. It's a romantic and sweet Anniversary celebration. I like this kind of contest. It's about relationship. Isn't that sweet that you're celebrating your good relationship with your partner in life online and let the whole wide world know how much you love each other. Thumbs up! I salute you guys! Anyway, The contest will run for 12 days only from December 3 to December 15, 2009 so I'm inviting you all to join while still going on. Just visit this site to know the full details of the contest.

3 Responses
  1. Mommy Levy Says:

    thanks Ruthy for this. Good luck in the contest!

  2. Mommy Levy Says:


    Congratulations! You are one of the 2 winners of the P500 Gift Certificate (of your choice) from my Wedding Anniversary Contest.

    Please send me the GC you would like to receive and your complete name, address and tel.# and email address (pwede ko ibigay sa family mo dito sa Pinas)

    I will try my best to send the GC before Christmas :)
    (or if you want, I can send $10 in your paypal account instead- your choice dear!)


    P.S.Kindly leave a comment of appreciation on my post http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/2009/12/announcing-winners-of-our-wedding.html

    Thank You!

  3. Mommy Levy Says:

    send your info to my email add: levy.martinez8(at)gmail(dot)com