If you have kids or relatives age 8 - 12 years old, I suggest to inform them about this book. A great story about slavery in the United States of America happened before the civil war. Believe it or not back then children were extremely abused by their own parents. Thats true, they were treated so bad. Children were suffered and struggled so hard to find ways to elope from their evil parents. Poorly, human rights wasn't existed at that time thats why parents can easily get away without punishment. This story will help young children to understand what is right and wrong, to speak and stand up for them selves without fear. An interesting story that you should read and pass on to your children. I strongly recommend this to all parents, teachers and children this will be a good discussion topic. You can purchase this at barnes & noble.

I was so blessed to received free e-book direct from the author, Donna M. McDine. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. My daughter want me to read this every night before she go to bed. She learned a lot from this story.

Raised in a hostile environment where abuse occurs daily, David attempts to break the mold and befriends the slave, Jenkins, owned by his Pa. Fighting against extraordinary times and beliefs, David leads Jenkins to freedom with no regard for his own safety and possible consequences dealt out by his Pa. Suggested age for readers: 8-12

Donna M. McDine
Children's Author
CWCC Publicist and Editor-in-Chief, Guardian Angel Kids
Member of SCBWI and Musing Our Children

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. http://www.guardianangelpublishing.com/pathway.htm ~ Global e-Book Awards Nominee

Donna’s Website:http://www.donnamcdine.com
Write What Inspires You Blog:http://www.donna-mcdine.blogspot.com

The Golden PathwayBlog:http://www.thegoldenpathway.blogspot.com

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1 Response
  1. Donna McDine Says:


    Thank you for your heartwarming review. I'm thrilled your daughter enjoys it so much!

    Thank you and best wishes,