
I've been blogging for over 3 years now and this will be my first giveaway to all bloggers all over the world. Since Holy week is getting closer I thought of giving this to ONE lucky individual or blogger as a gift. You will receive two pieces of knotted Rosary. One piece with combination of white and pink color, the other one with silver, white and blue color. What you see in the above photo, thats what you get.

This Giveaway is a POINT system and will begin on April 1st, 2010 ends on April 30th, 2010 at midnight EST. Winners will be announced May 3rd, 2010 and will be chosen through Random.org.

Right now, I'm seeking for Blogger SPONSORS worldwide. You have the option to give the following:

  • Cash via paypal

  • Entrecard (EC)

  • 1 month 125X125 Banner/Widget/Button Ads

  • Blog Review

  • Your suggestion

Being Sponsor, you will receive the following;

  • Blog Review with your Banner Ad from all participants - (Top 10 Sponsors only, i will use random.org to select my Top 10 Sponsors on March 31,2010, midnight, Eastern time)
  • Blog link from all participants
  • Visitors or followers to your facebook,twitter and any other social networking site
  • Your suggestion

If you're interested just leave a comment here or email me direct. Keep checking my site for updates. Thanks a lot! :-)


2000 EC Credits - Chuchie's Hideaway
2000 EC Credits - WhereAbouts
2,000 EC Credits - MelandriaRomero
1500 EC Credits - The Three Chies
1,000 EC Credits - myjourneytolife
1,000 EC Credits - melandriaromero
1,000 EC Credits - Butterfly

1 month 125X125 Ad Banner- fedhz
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner- earningonline
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner- journal.mikemamaril
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner- wahdaholic
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner- questionshaveanswers
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - Chuchie's Hideaway
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - WhereAbouts
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner- The Three Chies
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - Realwomantips
1 month 125x125 Ad Banner - Butterfly

1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - onadietdaw
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - yapatoots1
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - yapatoots2
1 month 125X125 Ad Banner - theacccidentalteacher

This post is close as of today (March 31) kindly visit the Giveaway Contest and thank u for all the emails. I have good news for all the Sponsors..Check it out! Please join and have a chance to win the prizes!
18 Responses
  1. star Says:

    hi! i might be interested but what is entrecard? what exactly are 1 month button ads?

  2. Hello sis...congrats on your first giveaway. I would like to sponsor:

    Chuchie's Hideaway
    2000 EC Credits and 1 month 125X125 ad space

    2000 EC Credits and 1 month 125X125 ad space

    The Three Chies
    1500 EC Credits and 1 month 125X125 ad space

  3. Scarlet Says:

    @Chie wilks, sis thanks a lot..i'll keep in touch with u..

  4. Scarlet Says:

    @star, thanks for dropping by..

    Entrecard is a social networking site, visit my site, look for entrecard widget, sign up, read and follow the instructions.

    Button ads, its ur Blog banner. When my reader click ur button ads in my blog, it will goes direct to ur blog. One way to promote ur blog through other blog.

    if u have more question dont hesitate to ask me..willing to answer..thanks! :-)

  5. star Says:

    Ruthy, will you please teach me how to make the button ads? thanks!

  6. moonstar Says:

    hi sis, count me in.

    1,000 EC - http://myjourneytolife.info

    1,000 EC - http://melandriaromero.info

    2,000 EC - http://www.melandriaromero.net


  7. sure, Ruthy. I'll be pledging 1 month Banner/Widget/Button Ads on these blogs:



  8. Scarlet Says:

    @melandria and fedhz..thanks a lot sis..will keep u posted..

  9. HI, I would like to pledge for the 1 month 125X125 Ad Banner on this blog: http://realwomantips.blogspot.com/

    Thanks Ruthy

  10. Scarlet Says:

    @Vianca Hidena, thank you..

  11. Unknown Says:

    Hello Ruthy,
    I'll be pledging..

    1000 EC points
    125x125 Ad space

  12. Scarlet Says:

    @butterfly, thank u sis..

  13. Anonymous Says:


  14. Akash Malik Says:

    I am following your blog on google friend connect now and I am a fan of your blog's page on Facebook.


  15. Ria Says:


    thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. sure, i'll sponsor :-) before that though sorry it took so long to get back to you. ive been super busy!

    i can offer 1 month 125x125 ad spaces in the following blogs:

    theaccidentalteacher.com :-)


  16. Scarlet Says:

    thanks ria, ill keep u posted..

  17. Supri Says:

    WOW! good stuff Ruthy :)